martedì 20 dicembre 2011

ninna nanna del 1761 a San Marco..

this the best part (for me) of the Novena in San Marco d'Alunzio when all men start to sing an old ninna nanna  wrote by Giacomo Dorsa in 1761, they represent the shepards and the very antiques words sing the ninna nanna from the Vergin Mary to Jesus,,,,,,,it is intense, strong, very emotioning.

these musicians starts at 3am announcing the beginning of the Novena around the town, every morning for 9 days,,,they annonce the Mass starting at 5am.
fantastic be there, take a trip next year,,,,they also have fun!!! we will have fun and learn deep tradition and culture at only 140 km from the other world....Palermo, the city.

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