sabato 31 dicembre 2011

giovedì 29 dicembre 2011

Canto della Novena by Giacomo Dorsa

first day:
Santi Spiriti divini, 
Putistati, anciuli, Santi,
Cherubini e Serafini,
cu suoni e duci canti
cuncirtati a miu vuliri
chi Gesù voli durmiri.
si pò.

Figghiu saggiu e sapuritu,
ti lamenti, forsi hai sonnu,
ntra stu pettu ti cunvitu,
l'occhi chiudiri si vonnu,
Figghiu miu, la matri spinna
di cantariti la ninna.

Gesù miu lu beddu nomu
chi lu cori allegru e nciarma
Picciriddu Diu, fatti n'omu,
veni in brazza di la mamma,
tè la minna, figghiu santu, mentri addatti ed iu cantu.

Figghiu, metti li manuzzi
ntra li ciarmii di stu pettu,
pi sò amuri cantirò,
figghiu beddu, fàla vò.
stenni ancora li piruzzi,
li me vrazza sù lu lettu,

the men corus: Evviva Maria,
                       Maria è sempri viva.
                       Evviva Maria
                       Maria cu la criò.
                       E senza Maria
                       salvari non 

martedì 27 dicembre 2011

bread and splin in Palermo, then another old tradition... in San Marco

I just arrived today in San Marco and! a drum was playing in the street by some young carries an antique wooden statue of Baby Jesus,,of the XVIII° C and they go home by home, each family take the Baby Jesus and let him enter to bless the rooms and all the house, they offer a donation and the pilgrimage continues for a while, tomorrow will continue along the Village and will finish on the 6 January, I am so encantados....

this is part of life..

lunedì 26 dicembre 2011

my Norvegian friends from Hamar a beautiful Region!!!!

I could not believe to stay in a such temperature,,,,
how different is the world! nature,,,,and humans!!!
In Italy we eat very late and they have meals very early, they have good fish,,,I don't remember the name of the very strong smell of that on the picture,,,,but I liked very much all the ceremony linked to it,,,butter, special bread, onion, and lots of acquavite and bier!!!!

venerdì 23 dicembre 2011

Open Oratory by Giacomo Serpotta this night in Palermo,,,

 It is stunning the view of the amount of antique and historical monuments in this Town ,,,my first love,
Down below is Santa Cita Oratory at 10 mt from where I live......


giovedì 22 dicembre 2011

old carriages in Palermo-Palace "AiutamiCristo"

These carriages just arrived at Aiutamicristo-Palace in Palermo were kept at Palazzo Mirto by the Family Filingeri in Palermo, the origin of the Family were from San Marco d'Alunzio,
toghether with arms and medieval equipment